Welcome to IFprog, the platform for calls for projects and applications of the Institut français

The Institut français launches numerous programs and calls each year, in France and around the world, with the will to promote French culture abroad and to promote dialogue between cultures. Project aid, training, expertise, cultural programming offers, residences, you can consult here all campaigns in progress.


You can contact technical support by writing to ifprog@institutfrancais.com and for more information on the Institut français, visit institutfrancais.com.


Règlement relatif aux subventions allouées par l’institut français


ICC Immersion Danemark - Suède (2025)

Appel à projet



16/12/2024 at 23:59

Time zone: Europe/Paris

S’inscrivant dans le cadre du plan France 2030, ce programme s’adresse aux entrepreneuses et entrepreneurs de la culture qui portent un projet innovant et souhaitent le développer sur les marchés danois et suédois.